
"Ah Ming, what's wrong with you?" Rong Zhe asked when he saw Lu Ming had gone silent. "Could it be…" he gasped. ... it's you who killed him?!" he exclaimed. Su Yuan, Xu Ke and Ye Ting looked at him, their eyes scrutinizing.

"No." Lu Ming calmly answered. "I just suddenly remembered, where can we copy the answers for our assignment?" he asked them

"Ah." the four looked at each other. Huo Ling's dead now. They won't have someone to copy for answers.

"Damn it. Who is it? They could've just waited for the semester to end! Or the school year?" Rong Zhe said.

"That bastard's going to get it!" Xu Ke said.

Ye Ting just sighed. "Ah Yuan. We can only rely on you now." He told Su Yuan. Su Yuan is a scholar.