
"Xiao Ling told me, that if he died, the person who will kill him is..." Hao Baiyun said as he took a deep breath. "... someone from the royal family." he said.

"Do you have an idea who could it be?" Gu Xingfeng asked.

It wasn't surprising that the murderer would be from the royal family, since they are included in the list of suspects. Even the imperial family of their motherland is filled with conspiracies. Is the royal family different? The royal family is just one of the factions that might have killed Huo Ling.

What's surprising is that... "He really told you about this?" he asked again.

Hao Baiyun nodded. His expression is heavy. Gu Xingfeng never mixes his private life with his profession, thus he wouldn't let his feelings affect his judgement. Hao Baiyun isn't lying to him. Added to the fact that Hao Baiyun treats Huo Ling as his younger brother, Hao Baiyun wouldn't joke pertaining to Huo Ling's death.