
Yi Bing suddenly felt something thumping wildly inside his chest. Ah… it's his body's heart. He thought. Is this what the humans call 'spark'? He thought when he met Huo Ling's gaze. "What?" he asked with a softened voice. His usually cold eyes and expressionless face showed a gentle expression.

Having been with Huo Ling for five worlds, it is inevitable he would feel affection towards his assignment. This is the reason why grim reapers aren't allowed to fall in love. It's not because they aren't capable of such emotion, but because after dying once, they would feel more strongly facing such kind of emotion.

Like a traveler in the desert searching for oasis… grim reapers are thirsty of human emotions, for they aren't humans anymore even if they look like one.

"You stopped making icicles." Huo Ling said.