
Huo Dakuan, his beard puffing up in anger, glared at his sons. His reddened eyes were filled with disappointment as he stared at them. His bodyguard handed him his phone, and he dialed a number. "Take everything I have given them from them, including their houses." He told his assistant who is on the other line.

"Yes, chairman." The assistant answered. He's smart enough to know who are 'them' Huo Dakuan is referring to. Weren't they always those three eldest sons who acted high and mighty always in the company even if Huo Dakuan still hasn't confirmed to whom will he pass on the chairman position?

The clinking sound of the utensils hitting against the plate broke the wailing of the women and the protests of their husbands. Everyone turned and saw Huo Jinghua calmly wiped his lips with the table napkin. "Father." He called as he slowly rose from his seat.