
It only took two seconds for Yi Bing to realize what Huo Ling was thinking for him to suddenly run away from him. He has known Huo Ling for six worlds, and although the young man's personalities' change in every world, but Huo Ling's thought process never did. 

He's really interesting, like always. Yi Bing thought as the corner of his lips pulled up as he watched Huo Ling run away very fast. How can he let him run away from him? No matter how Huo Ling run fast, if Yi Bing willed, it will only take a second for Yi Bing to capture Huo Ling using the grim reapers' teleportation skill. Added to the fact that Huo Ling is his current assignment, and so every action of Huo Ling is recorded on the Death Note. Thus, he will know where Huo Ling is. 

And so, Huo Ling can never escape from him.