
Liu Lin was about to collapse and Feng Er and Si Shui could only helplessly watch when Di San finally arrived through the window. Just as Liu Lin's barrier, preventing the pressure Yi Bing emitting that is weighing them down, disappeared, a green light shot the ice sculpture behind Yi Bing. Suddenly, Yi Bing's glowing eyes slowly dimmed until they returned to normal. The cold temperature was also alleviated, and the ice on the floor and the walls disappeared. 

"Boss!" Feng Er exclaimed while Liu Lin finally collapsed. Si Shui immediately caught him and saw Liu Lin was heavily sweating and panting. 

Di San nodded at them and walked towards Yi Bing to check Yi Bing's condition. Then, after a while, he sighed. "This isn't good." He said. 

"Boss?" they called, puzzled by what he is trying to say.