
Huo Ling watched the door closed after Qi Shan left. "… is he alright?" he asked as he turned to Yi Bing. 

"He will." Yi Bing answered as he sliced the fruits. 

'will'? Huo Ling thought, feeling that there is something wrong with Yi Bing's answer. Shouldn't he say 'he is', not 'he will'? He felt puzzled, but then he just shrugged it off and returned to the channel that is playing Lei Shan's movie. 

"Here." Yi Bing spoke as he placed the platter of fruits on the coffee table. 

"Thanks!" Huo Ling said as he picked a slice of fruit using the toothpick, and then took a bite. "Mmn~!" he exclaimed with widened eyes when he tasted the sweetness of the fruit juice spreading on his taste buds. 

Yi Bing also ate a slice and nodded. A faint smile is hanging on his lips. "Good." He muttered, referring to the taste of the fruits.