
Huo Ling looked at Yi Bing, then at Luren, then back to Yi Bing. 

"If there's something on your mind, why don't you say it?" Yi Bing whispered to Huo Ling as they all sat on the bleachers in the pool area while watching Prille swam in the pool. 

As Luren answered earlier, he really didn't teach Prille in swimming. Mandy already expressed his goodwill earlier so he just silently watched while Hierre cheered on Prille. 

"No, it's just…" Huo Ling murmured. 

"What?" Yi Bing asked. They are sitting at the back. 

"Just… you and that tall student looked similar." Huo Ling said. 

"Where are we similar?" Yi Bing's brows raised. 

"He is tall and… cold." Huo Ling answered as he looked at the back of Luren's head. Then, he turned to Yi Bing. "Like you." He told him.