
"How did Prille come here? No… why is he here?" Huo Ling asked Yi Bing as they watched Iris told the police to confine Prille before he and Lin Ze went inside Quinn's villa and find more policemen inside as some interrogated the housekeeper along with the other servants while the other policemen looked for traces and clues around the villa, especially in Quinn's bedroom. 

The only children – or sons, of Iris Hudgeson that can be said to be connected to Prille are Rhyan and Harris. The former was saved by Prille, while the latter can't even be said to have any interactions with Prille. So, why is Prille in Quinn's villa? Or, specifically, loitering outside the villa? What connection does he have with Quinn? Could it be, not only Quinn, but Prille also have something to do with Renton's death? 

Iris and Lin Ze are as puzzled as Huo Ling and Yi Bing on Prille's connection with Quinn.