
"Wha – " they opened their mouths to speak, but it's as if their voice doesn't want to come out. "WHAT?!?!" they exclaimed. Their eyes widened in shock as they started at each other, then Shi Jiu, stunned. 

"What – what do you mean, a child?! Xiao Hualing has a child?!" Jiu Ye asked. 

Shi Jiu calmly nodded. He was also shocked earlier when he heard this. "Yes. She had." He said. 

Huo Ling and Yi Bing heard what he said and they started. "'had'… by 'had', you mean…?" Huo Ling slowly spoke. 

"Yes." Shi Jiu turned to him. "It was never born." He told him. 

Huo Ling opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He doesn't know what to say. 

Yi Bing, on the other hand, has lived for many thousand years and has seen many things. He was shocked at first but he immediately became calm. "Is this the reason why she is haunting the Pei family?" he asked.