Level Three

Yi Bing closed his communicator and turned to Huo Ling. "Jin Wu said that Qi Ming broke into level three." He said.

Huo Ling who kicked a zombie away turned his head. "Oh. That's good, then." He said. He and Yi Bing are currently protecting Xi Ke and Lu Lu. There is one thing that they have realized when they went, and later left, the Capital.

All those who have awakened an ability or abilities are all young. None of the old people, approximately past thirties or forties, have an ability. Even some children have abilities. And, those young people who gained abilities mostly have good lifestyle or are healthy ones.

Huo Ling connected the good lifestyle and being healthy to what Wen Yan told Jin Wu of 'rigorous training'. Although these ability users didn't undergo rigorous training, but they have a healthy body.

"We have to return faster to the Northern Military Base." Yi Bing spoke. "It is hard to discuss with other people around." He said.