New Task

"Yes." Yi Bing calmly answered.

"He went in that world… he actually has been in that world…" Gu Shi muttered as he lowered his gaze to contemplate.

Yi Bing didn't speak and just let the other think. Actually, this matter isn't really surprising, since Normal World 2828 has been under their jurisdiction. Really, who wants a world that is filled with disgusting and aggressive undead monsters that will attack them at any time? Added to the fact that this world is as good as nothing since it is heading to its destruction… so, it isn't surprising that the UnION would give the Normal World 2828 to them.

But, whatever happens after to Normal World 2828, they would have nothing to do with it since they have already released their rights on it. Thus, even if the Normal World 2828 would now be reformed, the UnION shouldn't dare have any thoughts of making a move in this world. Or else…