
"Those people… could it be…" Huo Ling looked at Yi Bing. 

Yi Bing nodded in agreement. "They might be." he told him and motioned for him to continue listening.

"That's right." They heard Zhang Bao spoke as he nodded in agreement. "Wasn't it Song Mingfan who interrogated them yesterday?" he asked.

"I was there, too, to supervise xiao Song." Xue Liping spoke. "It was just yesterday that their 'friend' died yet their friend haunted them the next day. Hmph! Serves them right!" he frowned. "If they die, I won't be surprised!" he said. Obviously, he was angry.

"Shush, old Xue!" Zhang Bao told him. "Don't speak this way. You have a crow's mouth!" he reminded him.

"Old Zhang, you weren't there yesterday so you don't know anything." Xue Liping spoke as he turned to face Zhang Bao. "I almost beat them up yesterday had I not reminded myself that I am there for supervision. I am still wearing my uniform and badge!" he huffed in anger.