Lin Jin

"What the fck!" Bai Liu and Wu Yi cursed after Yi Bing told them about Huo Ling's conjecture about Lin Weng's uncle – Lin Jin. "Are you sure?!" they asked as they looked at Huo Ling in disbelief.

"This is just my conjecture." Huo Ling answered. "But, the possibility is high." He told them.

"Then… let's go to the Lin residence?" Wu Yi spoke.

Yi Bing nodded. "En." He answered. "We have to know the enemy first before we go to their lair." He told them.

"This is a sensible decision." Bai Liu agreed. "It just happens we still don't know where their lair is." He said. "Let's go!" he told them.

"Yes." they nodded and they left, heading to You Ri's community.

Haoming company.

"Why can't we find them?!" Shi Nana asked, feeling frustrated as she hit her table. There are big circles under her eyes that are bloodshot.