
"Aiyo! The young boss really wants to return to jianghu?!" Jiang Ci exclaimed after they heard what Lu Xiu told them.

Rong Huai frowned when he heard this information. "Who knows about this?" he asked.

"Only Hu Tisong and Hu Linci." Lu Xiu answered. Then, he suddenly paused when he remembered something. "Oh. And that group of carefree young sirs." He smiled.

Hearing this, Jiang Ce's and Rong Huai's eyes suddenly sharpened.

At the same time, Lu Xiu's eyes narrowed into a glare as he turned to the two. "You two." He frowned.

Jiang Ce saw that Lu Xiu still wanted to defend those strangers he met. His anger was about to flare up but he was stopped by Rong Huai. So, he has no choice but to suppress his anger. "Look. It was you yourself who heard them inquire about jianghu… and you still think that they are innocent?!" he asked.

Lu Xiu didn't answer.

Rong Huai sighed. "Give us one valid reason." He spoke.