
But, Huo Ling suddenly shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Mo Shi asked.

"This wouldn't be easy." Huo Ling said.

"Why?" Mo Shi asked, surprised.

"People can fake their names and birth dates." Huo Ling said. "Especially in the entertainment world." He added.

Mo Shi's expression turned dark. "Indeed… you have a point." He said and frowned, feeling angry that he forgot about this matter. 

Huo Ling patted his shoulder to comfort him. "It's alright. At least we know that Li Fengxin is Hyacinth Li's real name. We can start from here." He said.

Mo Shi's expression eased. "You are right." He said and sighed. "Then, what should we do?" he asked.

Huo Ling smiled. "Learn more about this exchanging of fate." He answered.

"… huh?" Mo Shi muttered and blinked.