
In the same restaurant where uncle Song asked Gu Xingfeng, Jiang Xinduo, Song Mingfan and Xiao Xie to meet him, Hao Baiyun sat inside a pavilion while enjoying his tea. Then, the door slowly opened revealing Fei Xuli with Jing Yu. 

"Young master." Fei Xuli called as he and Jing Yu approached him. 

"How is the investigation?" Hao Baiyun asked without lifting his gaze and continued to drink his tea. 

"Zi Chen, Lan Tian, Zheng Jian and Jin Chulin called that the people whom we suspected to know about the exchanging of fates all have only a shallow knowledge about it." Fei Xuli answered. 

Hao Baiyun's movements slightly paused. 

"We know more than them." Fei Xuli added. 

Hao Baiyun finally placed down his cup on the table and looked at the two. "Then, it seems that the one who conducted an exchange of fate isn't a part of the circle." He said and frowned.