
"Yi Bing. Huo Ling. Jin Wu. Mo Shi. You are here." Di San said when he saw that Yi Bing, Huo Ling, Jin Wu and Mo Shi has arrived. He was about to smile when his smile froze after he recalled something. He turned to look at Gu Shi who wryly smiled as he stood beside him. Right… Yi Bing and Gu Shi fought before… Di San thought and made an invisible palm to place on his forehead.

"San Di." Yi Bing and Jin Wu greeted. "Gu Shi." They added.

Gu Shi stiffly nodded at them.

"Chief Gu. Vice chief Di." Huo Ling and Mo Shi greeted as they stood behind Yi Bing and Jin Wu.

"En." Gu Shi nodded at them and sincerely smiled.

"Huo Ling. Mo Shi." Di San called as he readjusted his expression. "Are you two now ready to go to the Middle Heaven?" he asked. There is no need to say what place in the Middle Heaven, because the Middle Heaven is precisely Shen Sheng's residence and nothing else.