
Middle Heaven. 

"Yi Bing." Xiao Hun greeted and respectfully bowed when he saw Yi Bing arrived. 

"En." Yi Bing nodded at Xiao Hun. "How is Shen Taizi?" he asked. 

"His Highness is currently resting." Xiao Hun answered. "He has been tired recently." He told him. 

Yi Bing frowned. It was as he expected. The disappearance of the world energies of the Collapsed Worlds really affected Shen Sheng. After all, the world energies came from Shen Sheng. "I will go see him." he said and walked past Xiao Hun. 

"Yes." Xiao Hun answered and bowed, and the tall, wide and heavy golden doors behind him opened. 

Yi Bing entered, and closed his eyes when a blinding light flashed as the doors opened. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the long and narrow path towards the throne at the end, where Shen Sheng's long, golden hair sprawled all over the floor, and he is reclining on a luxurious couch with his eyes closed.