
"You are right. What the real calamity has been was the human race killed." Xie Chen nodded in agreement as he heaved a sigh of pity for the humans who died in Collapsed World 444. 

"The future can't be seen, since once you let the future that you saw affect you, leading to you changing your decisions, then, the future will also be changed." Gu Shi spoke in a wistful tone. "Thus, the future that you saw has already become useless the moment that you made the changes." He said. 

Ruan Yu nodded in agreement. "The butterfly effect." He said. 

Huo Ling also can't help but heave a sigh. Because the future was peeked at, the people tried to change the trajectory. This leads to their future that was seen being changed. Unfortunately, it didn't become better. But, it became worse instead!