
Although Ke Congyi is puzzled as to why uncle Song said so, but he trusts uncle Song. So, despite being anxious and worried about Jiang Xinduo, he followed what uncle Song said to wait until later to go and find Jiang Xinduo at the time and place which uncle Song told him. Then, he ended the call after thanking the uncle and nephew pair. 

Ke Congyi is not stupid. He knows that uncle Song must have noticed something. But, out of respect for the elder, and to not offend the other, he didn't ask for anymore and chose to follow what uncle Song said. These masters not only have their own tempers, but they are also greatly skilled. So, Ke Congyi entrusted Jiang Xinduo's life on uncle Song's words. 

Ke Congyi took a deep breath to calm himself and chose to return to the station first to hand in his report that he is still holding, before going to the place where uncle Song told him at the exact time that he said.