
Yi Bing and Huo Ling frowned and suddenly stopped when they also felt those two chilling auras. 

"Yi Bing, this is…" Huo Ling muttered as his brows knitted. "The Soul Eaters…" his eyes narrowed. But, they should not just be ordinary Soul Eaters, for these auras are even stronger than the adult Soul Eaters that they have fought before! 

"They should be 'king' Soul Eaters." Yi Bing said as he looked at the two directions where the chilling auras of the Soul Eaters were coming from. 

"'king Soul Eaters'?" Huo Ling asked and looked at Yi Bing. 

"A King Soul Eater is a Soul Eater that is on top of the food chain among the Soul Eaters." Yi Bing spoke. "For them to become a king, they either have devoured too many humans, maybe, a population of a city – " he said, estimating the amount. " – or too many fellow Soul Eaters and accumulated enough strength." He explained.