
But, this limb looked indescribable that made Jiang Xinduo feel doubt whether it is really a limb. It doesn't have a hand nor fingers, not even an elbow. It was just a straight object like a tree branch. However, what made Jiang Xinduo think that this is a limb is because its skin is like that of a human skin since he could see the blood vessels underneath the skin's surface. 

Jiang Xinduo suddenly shuddered in fear. Could it be the terrorists cut off someone's limb? But, this 'limb' isn't bleeding. Though, whether if it is really a limb or not, it doesn't matter now since this twitching thing is coming his way again, and Jiang Xinduo knows that it wanted to kill him! 

"Damn it!" Jiang Xinduo cursed as he immediately ran towards the stairs. He could only go to the upper floors since that thing is blocking the stairs leading downstairs! How unlucky! He lowly cursed as he sped up his pace when he saw that creepy thing started to climb the stairs.