Teleportation Point

Special World 5521. 

Planet UM2-e.

Deep in the thick forest that is surrounded by mountains, there lies a white building which looked extremely out of place due to its modern design. What made it look even more out of place are the people wearing white clothes and are wandering inside the building who can be seen through the thick but transparent glass windows. 

And these people don't consist only humans, but also other beings which were called 'aliens'. Most of their distinctive features that differs them from the humans are their skin color, their body build, as well as their limbs, their facial features, and their teeth, which are extremely horrifying to children, causing them to have nightmares at night. 

Anyway, this isn't the problem. The problem is – 

"Why did we arrive here?" Shi Jiu asked as he looked at Yi Bing, Huo Ling, Bai Wu, and Jiu Ye while Shou Ji vigilantly looked around the area where they have appeared.