
Inside the Rainbow Tower.

"What did you say?!" Huo Ling exclaimed when he heard what lord Zero said. "Your disciple's name is 'Yi Bing'?!" he said as he looked at lord Zero's transparent figure in shock.

"Yes. I am sure." Lord Zero nodded when he felt that his memories finally became clearer.

"And… and you said that he is… he is that disciple of yours who… who – " Huo Ling stammered as he gulped when he recalled something. His cheeks flushed red. " – who did 'that' to you?" he said.

Seeing his blushing expression, lord Zero can't help but also blush, now suddenly feeling ashamed of what happened. "That… it was an accident… no, no." he shook his head. "The situation needed it… that was what Cheng Sheng told us to do… a solution…" he stammered. The heat on his cheeks became even hotter when he saw Huo Ling's suspicious gaze on him. "Really!" he added.

"Oh." Huo Ling muttered. Obviously, he doesn't believe him.