Peace Treaty

"My lord." The five Chieftains said kneeling before me.

"Please, you don't need to do that every time you see me." I looked back at Ashira and smiled, she shook her head.

"Please be seated." Ashira said pointing at the wooden chairs around a round table. Everyone got seated, Ashira taking the seat beside me.

"So what did you all wanted to talk about?" I asked looking at the Chieftains.

"My lord as lady Ashira has already told you, we don't want any hostile feelings between us and the human empire." Krulog, the chieftain of Alzabria, started the discussion. "Thus we sent a proposal to them, which they have accepted and are willing to talk about the terms of peace." Everyone present in the room started clapping and nodding at each other.

I raised my demonized right hand signaling them to quiet down.

"Where will these talks take place?" I asked after the noise died.

"Their President, has recommended their capital, Livania, for the purpose." Irog, the chieftain of Feham, answered.

"Livania huh?" Just hearing the name of that place made my blood boil. Ashira placed her hand on mine, caressing it. She knew what had happened to me in that place and how much I hated the people that lived there. "Well that's a good news! But what's there to discuss?"

"Since the President of human empire is attending the meeting, we thought maybe you-"

"I'm not going there."

"But my lord-"

"Did I stutter while speaking?"

"No, my-"

"I won't and that's final." I said.

"I'll go." Ashira said.

"But Ashira-"

"Zeroll, the humans are trusting us and allowing us into their capital shouldn't we trust them as well." She said caressing my face.

"That's the problem! What if it's all a trap? Can't you see they have an advantage there? What if they attack you all? Who'll save you then?"

"I'm going and that's final!" Ashira said imitating me.

"You're stubborn, you know that?" I said, shaking my head.

"Not as stubborn as you are." she smiled.

"it's settled then, all Chieftains with their personal bodyguards will accompany lady Ashira to the peace talk." I said getting up. "you'll leave tomorrow morning, prepare accordingly."

"Yes, My Lord!"

*After sunset*

Me and Ashira was standing in the balcony of our bedroom, overseeing the preparations for tomorrow. The Ogre chieftains were busy barking orders at the goblins to prepare traveling carts. Irog saw us and bowed down, then went on to do his work.

There were a lot of full grown Cerberus kin wandering around and goblins were busy tying them to the carts.

"So they would be pulling your carts, huh?" I asked Ashira.

"Yeah, since they are fast, we can go and return by tomorrow itself."

"Still adamant about going?" I asked Ashira, hugging her from behind.

"Yup!" She said cheerful as ever.

"You leave me no choice then." I sighed and summoned Hades and Arabella!

"Yes My Lord." They said appearing before us.

"Ashira has something important to do tomorrow, and I want both of you to accompany her as her bodyguards. Got it?"

"Yes my Lord, we shall protect her with our lives."

"They know they can be resurrected every few hours right?" Ashira whispered in my ears. "I'll be in your care then."

Both of them bowed to her and disappeared.

"You know you're overreacting right?" she said kissing me.

"Call it whatever you want. But I'll do what I can to protect you." I replied kissing her back. "By the way, how long do you think it'll take to reach me there, if I were to ride on Bruno?"

"Why do you ask?" she said crossing her arms under her chest.

"Just curious." I smiled.

"You'll find out when you'll try. Let's go to bed, I have an early start tomorrow."

"Is that so?" I said lifting her up in my arms. "Too bad then, because it's gonna be a long night for you, my lady."

"Zeroll, we can't. ZEROLL you're listening to me or not! We can't do it tonight!"

"Too late!" I said tossing her on the bed and stripping down.

*The next morning*

"My lady, we're ready to depart." Irog knocked on the door.

"Just a minute Irog." I replied. "You guys understood?"

"Yes, my lord." Hades and Arabella replied.

"You know the humans will never attack an ogre force having 500 soldiers."

"These two soldiers, " I said pointing at Hades and Arabella. "can destroy that force easily."

"Thank you, My Lord!" They bowed beaming with pride.

"Sure, but I'll have to go now." She said embracing me. "See you tonight then!"

"I'll better get ready as well." I said.

"You going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I had nothing to do so I thought I'll kill some monsters around Livania." I smiled.

"Let's go then!" She said grabbing my hands, leading me to the carts.

*Few hours later in a cave, 5 kilometers west of Livania*

"These Wraiths are really weak creatures. Don't you think so?" I asked.

"WOOF!" Bruno barked wagging his tail.

"At least you're having the time of your life. I wonder how the peace talks are going."





The message appeared for the fourth time today.

Already? it hasn't even been an hour yet! I thought, so much for passing time.

"Are there anymore caves in this area?"




"Let's go Bruno, and wait for the others outside."


We walked outside, the sun was about to set but there was no trace of anyone. Did something happened? Maybe I should go and check. Nah Hades and Arabella are there along with ogres, goblins, and werewolves, I don't think there's any need to worry about her safety.

But then why am I getting this feeling like something is wrong. I looked in the direction where Livania was, all seemed okay.

Maybe Ashira is correct I'm just getting paranoid. I thought and turned around.


There was a loud explosion, and smoke rose sky high, I looked back, the smoke was coming from Livania. And then a message popped up, the one which appeared during my

fight with Vruukor.





