
"Ashira! Are you alright?" I shouted when I saw her.

She was chained to a bed, crying. When I was knocked out, the soldiers brought me to where Ashira was. I was chained as well, on the wall facing her, the chains were made of the same material as those pillars. Which meant I couldn't use my rings to summon someone to help us out. I looked at Kayla, she was emotionless, just the way she was in that courtroom. She looked at me, then started staring the floor again. Around 20 or so soldiers were inside the room.

"I'm sorry Zeroll, I'm really sorry." she murmured.

"Aww, isn't this the sweetest thing ever." A man in a weird accent said. I looked at the door, a man wearing a black traditional Chinese dress entered. He was completely bald except, for a long braid dangling from the back of his head. His face was pearl white and had a long mustache.

"President Wong!" Soldiers shouted, saluting him. He ignored them and proceeded towards me.

"It's my luckiest day! I never thought I'll see you in person ever again. Not that I was happy about it, because I wanted to punish you myself!" He smiled, and pointed at Ashira. "Is she someone special to you? She is. If she wasn't why would you bother coming back to this place right?" He laughed.

"Let her go, you piece of-"


He slapped me across my face.

"Can't you understand the position you're in right now? You both are subjected to my mercy. If I wanted to kill her I would and you wouldn't be able to do shit!" Wong exclaimed. "You want to know what I'm gonna do with her? First I'll have some fun with her, after all it's not everyday you come across such a fine specimen of feminine excellence. Then my security personnel would take turns with her, sharing is caring right? Then I'll torture her till she begs me to kill her, after that I'll kill her myself. But don't worry you'll get a first class premium ticket for all the shows, starting right now." He said turning towards Kayla, "I believe there are still some issues you have to take care of? After all we can't have ogres running around the capital can we now, Major General Kayla Lee?"

"I'll take care of it, sir!" She said saluting Wong and left with all the soldiers on her toe.

"Let's get started shall we?" Wong said and got in the bed Ashira was chained to.


"Stop squirming you beast!" Wong said forcing her legs apart.


"I'll be right back sweetheart." Wong said forcing her to kiss him, as he got off the bed and came to me. "And how will you do that? You really are a thick headed person, just the type I love to torment."

"I'm sorry I was late, but just hold on for a bit longer, could you?" I looked at Ashira and smiled.

"What the hell are you planning to-"





"How can you do this! You shouldn't have been able to do anything!" Wong shouted as he fell on his knees.

"These chain can stop me from calling my summons, It can also stop me from using my weapons but those aren't the only things I have, now do I?" I said breaking the chain strapping me using my demonized hand. "You see, I'm not a warrior who depends solely on his weapon. You didn't know that I'm a mage did you? Better than these chains if you'd have used those plasma handcuffs, then maybe I'd have flinched a bit" I smirked.

"ARGHHH! Guards, soldiers! Anyone help me!" Wong shrieked trying to run away from the room, I grabbed him by his legs and pulled him up.

"Kayla told me everything you did, you sick bastard. Why she changed her statement in court that day, how you killed Niall when he started asking questions and told everyone I was the one who did it." I said as Wong started looking towards to door, hoping someone to come in and rescue him. "No one is going to help you out, wanna know why? Because Kayla took them all with her under *your* orders."

"How did you planned all of this!" He shouted

"It was taking too much time, searching for Ashira. I was wandering aimless in hopes of getting a clue, then it occurred to me. If I couldn't find you, maybe you'll find me instead and that's why I let myself get captured by Kayla. Once she had captured me, I talked to her, and then she told me how your men kidnapped her mom and force her to change her statement in court. I then asked her to take me where you were, all while you thought I'm powerless."

I released him from my grasp, he fell down on his back with a loud thud.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'll give you anything you want! Y-You want m-money? How about you t-take this city under your c-command, I'll make you the new President! P-Please let's talk this through!" Wong stuttered.

"It's too late to try and make amends now." I said, his white face got drained of whatever color it had left. "Say your prayers while you can."

I grabbed THE BLADES OF CALAMITY, from the inventory, and while he was still spewing shit from his mouth, I severed his head off.

I then cut the chains which were holding Ashira. She gave me a hug and started crying on my shoulder, I caressed her head, saying I'm sorry, and it's alright now. After a while, when she had gained her composure she asked, "Is it true that he killed President Niall?"

I nodded, and she started crying again. I was confused. Why would she be crying for him?

"Did you know him?" I asked, she nodded still sobbing.

"He was my father." She said.


"Yes. He was my father. My mother was an ogre who saved him from ghouls once. They started meeting secretly, things escalated, and my mom got pregnant with me. But humans wouldn't have accepted me and thus me and my mother left to live in an ogre village, against my father's wishes. That's the secret of my human like appearance." She said, still holding me close. "That day when I saw you in that cave, I thought it was my father who sent you to save me like you did once before, but then you told me that you had lost all your memories, so I kept it all a secret from you. Please forgive me Zeroll."

"What are you asking forgiveness for?" I asked. "You didn't do any wrong, your father was a great man. And he died because of me, he got out of his way to help me and I being the arrogant idiot, I am, never even had a chance to properly thank him."

How could I do this to her. Her father is dead because he felt guilty about not being able to help me ace started messing around with Wong. It's all my fault.

Ashira lifted my face up to meet her eyes and said, "I'm the luckiest girl to have a father like him and a lover like you." and kissed me.

"Let's give your father a burial. One, a man of his greatness deserves." I said kissing her back.