A True God (The Dungeon: Part eight)

"So you're the dungeon Master?" I asked taking The Blades of calamity out of the inventory.

"It's just one of the many things that I am." the hooded figure shrugged. "But right now, you should consider me your end."

"You think so huh? That at least tell me your name so that I could remember you once I kill you." I smiled.

"Smile and laugh while you can mortal, because soon you'll be cursing the day you were born into this world." He took his hood off and in a fraction of a second kicked me in my stomach. Too bad though, I was already onto it and grabbed his leg.

"Seems like talking is the only thing you're good at." I smirked. I looked at him and he was smiling as well. Since he had taken his hood off, I was now able to a good look at him. Standing around 6' 5" tall, this dark skinned man had an intimidating feel about him, he also had a small scar on his face. He had a long face, a pointed nose, puffy lips, and had large purple eyes, long, straight, dark grey hair which he wore in a bun. He had strong arms, a muscular torso, narrow hips, and toned legs. Nearly every part of his body was covered in scars, he was a true warrior, it was also shown in the way he handled his swords. He was looking intently at me as well, but had a smile on his face.

"Before I get serious," He said, "let me tell you this, I've got nothing against you, but you've been destined to do things which I can't let you do. But if you side with me now, I'll spare your life."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused about what he just said.

"Ah, so you don't know it yet. It'll make my job easier. Sorry but you're of no use to me now so I'll just kill you. My apologies for giving you a false hope." He said and grabbed my hand off his feet and punched me across my face. His punch felt like I got hit by a bullet train. I couldn't even take one punch from his guy. I was on the ground spewing blood.

"Looks like I went overboard." He smirked. "I wonder why did he even choose a weakling like you to be his vessel."

"I'll show you who is the weakling here!" I grabbed one of my swords and tried to slash it across his face but he was fast and easily dodged it. But I wasn't going to give up that easily.





I kept swinging my swords at him but even after using my spells it wasn't enough to harm him. I somehow managed to get close to him and then...




I poured everything I could at him, but I was already exhausted after fighting Laksah... wait Nicholas said the summons who were outside can't be called in but Laksah was already inside! I summoned Laksah out while I kept attacking the man in front of me.

Laksah saw me attacking the mysterious guy and immediately flew up and started attacking him with the fireballs without even a single order from me. I backed off from the fight, hoping to get a breather. But my fate had decided something else.







I looked back at them and there the guy was, standing on the defeated dragon. The dragon who had given me such a hard time was slain in mere moments. The guy had wings protruding from his back and had an white armour around him just like I did when Xorzorud gave me his powers. But that wasn't all. This mysterious guy had a luminous black halo ring floating over his head.

He looked at me, but he wasn't smiling like before. His eyes filled with hatred for... me? But why? I didn't even knew who this guy was.

Like a flash, he flew in front of me.




I knew this was it. No more messing around. This guy really wanted to kill me, but I wasn't gonna make it easy for him to do so, and thus our duel began.

This guy had gone berserk, he kept swinging his swords crazily, moving his hands in ways like I had never seen before. It was taking everything I had just to keep standing and defending myself. But his skills were definitely superior than mine, I was hoping that somehow I'd get an opening and retaliate, and it soon came.

While my opponent was forcing me backwards towards a wall, I mistakenly stepped on a stone and fell backwards and to my surprise, when I looked up, he was in no position to protect himself as he had his arms wide apart. I knew this was my chance. I placed my demonized right arm on his chest and yelled, "HOLY FLAMES!"

The guy immediately burst into flames and backed away shrieking in pain. it was over for him now, I was exhausted but I somehow managed to get back on my feet as the guy was burning away. I looked at the other side of the chamber. The door had finally reappeared, it was time to go back. I thought and started walking towards the gate, when suddenly something grabbed my shoulder and flung me at the wall. It was the guy... He was covered in flames but still wasn't dead. He pushed me into the wall and pinned me there by stabbing his swords in my shoulders, piercing through the rocky wall, I couldn't move anymore.

"Where do you think you're going, you BASTARD!" He roared and stabbed my legs the same way he stabbed my shoulders.

I was howling in pain, and there was this guy smiling at me, he had several burn marks on his face and body but he was still smiling.

"Who... are... you?" I murmured.

"A True God!" He roared stabing me in my chest multiple times and started laughing madly. "You saw that! Your greatest creation is dead and I killed him, you never gave me the respect I deserved but today it'll all change... "

He kept pointing at the sky and saying things but I couldn't make it out anymore... my eyes... everything in front of me was fading away... it was all over.