Emergency Quest

After flying for another half an hour, finally a castle came into the view. Monsters once ruled over this castle, then a group of humans came forward and successfully killed and chased away these monsters and were now in command of this castle. At least that is what humans knew about the castle because they were still oblivious to the fact that vampires existed, although some had their doubts but could never prove anything.

Zeroll was astonished by the architecture of the castle. Nine narrow, round towers surrounded and formed a protective barrier all around the castle and were connected by huge, vast walls made of light grey stone.

Elegant windows are scattered generously around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with huge crenelations for archers and artillery so that they could defend the castle from monsters who dared to challenge them. There was a vast gate with enormous metal doors, which were connected a regular bridge and various artillery equipment protected those in need from the treacherous lands outside and also protected the only way in, if you can make it, that is. Fields of nothingness stretch out outside the castle, allowing to see people coming far before they pose a threat. The castle had been improved and improved over the ages, some parts of the castle were clearly newer than others, the inhabitants were determined to keep their castle as modern as possible.

As Zeroll neared the castle he could see a small group of people had gathered outside of the castle, waiting for him. He ordered Laksah to descend near them, once jumped off of the dragon, he immediately summoned Hades, Weonan and Rafaela. This was meant to show them his power and partially because the system prompted him to do so. He also summoned some demon kin and fallen angels to match the numbers of the vampires. He then proceeded to walk towards the vampires. Around eight vampires, three females surrounded by five male guards, were at the bridge near the entry gate, while dozens look lined up at the castle walls. After a quick introduction they proceeded towards the 'throne room' were the vampires countess was waiting for Zeroll.

The throne room was yet another piece of great architecture. Many slender braziers (torch like container) attached to one side of each of the sixteen granite columns most of the throne hall and bathing it in an orange glow. There were paintings of angels and cherubs on the arched ceiling dancing in the flickering light while carved images and statues look down upon the mahogany floor of this imposing hall.

A viridian rug ran down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while guidon banners with embellished trimmings droop from the walls. Between each banner was a shrine-like ornament covered in candles, almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic portrayals of divine beings below them. Many narrow, stained glass windows having symmetric designs were shrouded by veils colored in the same viridian as the banners. The curtains had been adorned with embellished borders and decorated tips.

An elegant throne of oak sits below a grand chandelier and was adjoined by two similar, but undecorated seats for visiting royalty of other human cities and special guests. The throne was covered in byzantine motifs and fixed on each of the stubby legs is a diamond rose. The dense pillows of the throne were of dark viridian as well and these too have been adorned with gilded needlework.

Those seeking the wisdom of their royal highness can do so on the countless impressively carved mahogany benches, all of which are facing the throne in a half circle. Those of higher standing can instead take seat in the extravagant balconies facing the benches below. Many personnel were already sitting on this benches as well as in the balconies. Walking through the halls, Zeroll looked up at the throne to see an attractive lady sitting on it, her features clearly matched those that the system informed him about, the lady sitting on the throne was indeed Nissa. She was wearing a tight black jumpsuit which perfectly hugged the countess' curves. The jumpsuit was similar to the combat suit the humans wore. Seeing Zeroll, she graciously got up from her throne and walked towards him swinging her hip in an appealing way, for some reason Zeroll felt attracted towards her. The way she walked, her curves, it all was so... sexy.






• YES or • NO


"Get rid of it." Zeroll said absentmindedly.




Zeroll shook his head as soon as the message appeared and The Countess started clapping while still advancing towards him.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but i had to test you out first." Nissa said nothing Zeroll. "Welcome to Tharnham Castle."

"Thank you for inviting me here." Zeroll replied wearing his poker face.

"Let's sit down shall we? And Lucia, please prepare for a feast."

"Yes my lady. Byron and Darius have gone hunting they should be back soon." Lucia, who was standing next to Zeroll, replied.

"Perfect. Let's discuss some terms while we wait for them."

Nissa and Zeroll then sat on their respective thrones and started discussing about his adventures so far. She also asked done questions to her 'Lord' Xorzorud who face quick and straight answers to her queries. Zeroll's summons were listening intently as well.

"The moment Lord chose you to be his vessel, we were destined to join your ranks and fight to save our beloved planet." Nissa said suddenly kneeling in front of Zeroll.

At that moment, the doors leading to the throne room were flung open and Lucia came running in and breathlessly said, "My lady!Byron and Darius have been... have been... ambushed in the woods by an unknown entity!"



TASK: Byron and Darius are members of the elite Vampire family. Saving them will increase your respect among the mentioned faction.


• 1000 EXP

• 500 GOLD


CAUTION: Failing to help might cost you your alliance with the vampires.
