Beginning of the End (Final Part)

"Damn it! Why are those humans interfering in our business." Xephirous shouted as he returned to the battlefield along with Ashira and Nikita.

"Looks like the backstabbers are late for the party." Zeroll said when he saw the others. "Sorry for killing your friends, But don't worry you'll be joining them soon enough."

"Nikita control his summons!" Ashira was infuriated after seeing all of her monsters getting annihilated.

"On it." Nikita replied, but before she could do anything, Zeroll summoned everyone back.

"Don't tell me! You can't control what you can't see!" Zeroll mocked Nikita. "I wouldn't need my summons to get rid of disgusting beings like you."

"YOU DARE TO TALK DOWN TO HER! FOR BY MY HANDS THEN." Xephirous charged at Zeroll at full speed.

"I'm going to make your end slow and painful." Zeroll gripped his swords and prepared for the clash that was about to take place.

Xephirous charged straight at Zeroll, however, Zeroll was more agile and swung to his left and attacked. But Xephirous had already predicted his move, he swerved back to avoid the sword and using his momentum, brought his sword up in a brutal swing. Zeroll raised his armoured arm to defend himself, his arm was unharmed but Xephirous managed to chip away the armour. Zeroll was stunned at the sheer power of his opponent. He swung the sword in his left hand, bringing it down on Xephirous, managing to injure his left shoulder. An enraged Xephirous swung his sword once again, Zeroll immediately pulled his swords up to deflect the strike.

Meanwhile Ashira and Nikita were busy chanting some spells, raising zombified remains of various monsters to aid Xephirous in the battle.

"Using my plans against me now are we?" Zeroll thought. "Gotta do something about it."


Xephirous was still full of rage and kept swinging his swords on Zeroll, who was showing no sign of retaliation and was strictly defending himself. Just when he was deliver a deadly blow Zeroll disappeared!

"Where is he?" Xephirous was about to turn around to ask the others when he heard a blood-curdling scream. He quickly turned around and saw the lifeless body of Nikita lying on the ground... "NO!"



"Is it ready yet?" Zeroll asked Nicholas while deflecting yet another blow from Xephirous' sword.

"Everything is ready, you can execute the plan now." Nicholas replied.

Although Zeroll made it as if he summoned each and every one of his summons back, in reality he just wanted to test whether Nikita could control his summons without actually seeing them. After he confirmed that she couldn't, he sent one of his warpfaces to merge with her shadow while he did the same to himself, and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

He had hoped to take shots Ashira down while he was at it but when he actually had to do it he couldn't, and moment hesitation was all to get Xephirous' attention back on him.

"NO!" Xephirous charged at Zeroll, this time Zeroll want able to dodge his attack and his chest piece was shattered.

"You killed her! I'LL KILL YOU!" Xephirous shouted, he was blinded in rage, he couldn't see anything other than Zeroll, and frantically started attacking him but Zeroll easily managed to deflect his attacks which made him even more furious. Seeing no other way to kill him, Xephirous decide to use his trump card. "PRIESTESS! Enhance my powers! TRANSFORMATION!"

It was the same skill which Zeroll had but he never used. Zeroll was horrified as Xephirous started growing bigger and bigger, bursting out of his armour. His skin was replaced by white fur having various black spot. Countless horns spurted out of its back. It took almost a minute for the transformation to complete, and when it was over, Xephirous looked like a muscular white leopard standing on two feet.

The white leopard growled with anger and pounced toward Zeroll. Seeing that he had no other choice, he engaged with it, rolling around dodging and leaving wounds on the leopard one after another. He slid from below the leopard's abdomen and dodged his claws. Just as he was about to stand up, he felt an extreme pain on his right arm, we're his armour was broken, the Leopard had turned its head around in a very strange way and bitten through his arm armor. It took Zeroll everything he had to battle with this beast. Zeroll abandoned the sword he held in his right arm as his arm was pretty much useless against the beast, favoring his left sword to fight. After dozens of seconds of heated combat, both of them were covered in wounds. Zeroll started to feel his body getting numb, and his head was becoming heavy. It seemed that the effect of excessive blood loss was starting to get to him.

Zeroll couldn't move all of a sudden, he looked back and saw Ashira was casting a binding spell at him. He summoned Weonan and Hades to help him in his battle while Goliath and the others occupied Ashira but his summons were instantly destroyed by the leopard, and he was still trapped in Ashira's spell. Seeing this the leopard pounced over, and Zeroll couldn't dodge it in time, letting the leopard press him against the ground and stab him on his chest and abdomen multiple times with its claws.

Blood spurted out from his mouth, but Zeroll endured the pain, and stabbed into the leopard's neck with his remaining strength and tightly hung onto it, his other hand reached into the leopard's mouth and started using starfire barrage wildly. Zeroll knew his movements were too slow due to the blood loss, so he had given up on running away and used himself as a bait. The leopard twisted in agony. It tried to bit off the arm inside its mouth but failed, and then slashed its claws down on Zeroll in a frenzy. Zeroll was heavily injured, and was incapable of moving or defending himself despite the huge claw expanding in his sights. Soon his vision started to blur, but just as the claw was about to slam down, Zeroll saw an enormous blinding electric beam descending on the leopard. The next moment, the Thunder Leopard was both covered in the light of the Plasma Cannon.

"Looks like Its the end..." Zeroll murmured before losing consciousness.