Ethan Han, You are Ruthless!

International supermodel? Lila had never thought that far. She simply wanted to focus on the present... make Ethan Han and Rainy Mo face their consequences.

12pm. Just before the meeting at Heaven Entertainment. Ethan, who hadn't had lunch with Lila for a long time, suddenly decided to take her out to the fancy restaurant downstairs. He even booked a table and organized a candlelit lunch. Looking at the roses paired with the candles, Lila had no reaction. She sat down on the chair that Ethan pulled out for her.

"I ordered your favorite sirloin steak..."

Lila was surprised for a moment; she was speechless. It turned out, even after 5 years of being together, Ethan still did not know what she liked.

"What is it? You don't like it?"

Just as Lila was about to respond, the chef appeared beside them holding a tray. He turned to Lila and said, "Miss Tang, here's your favorite fillet steak. I would like to represent Frederick's Restaurant in congratulating you on your wedding..."

Upon hearing this, Ethan's expression changed, but he was too embarrassed to say anything. He just quietly replaced Lila's plate, "Your tastes have changed."

"Thank you, but we aren't married yet," Lila explained to the chef whilst ignoring Ethan. "You sure are attentive, I only mentioned it once and you remembered."

The chef politely left and Lila turned back to Ethan.

"Next time I will definitely remember what my wife likes to eat!" Ethan reminded himself.

"Hurry, let's eat. We still need to go back and discuss the script." Lila sneered on the inside but kept her composure. That was when she suddenly received an SMS titled '0819'. When she opened it up, she realized it was a message from Mason Mo.

0819, was yesterday, the date of their wedding.

"The steak is from me. What the chef meant was...congratulations on OUR wedding."

Lila let out a laugh and sent a response from under the table: "How did you know where I would be?"

"I have a way of finding out what I want to know," Mason answered calmly.

Lila held onto her phone as she glanced around the restaurant. However, Mason was nowhere to be seen. Although she didn't know how he managed to organize something so thoughtful, she could sense he was nearby...

...he had a presence like a king that no one could ignore or deny.

"Lila, what are you looking at?" Ethan asked as he waved his hands in front of her eyes. His gaze was full of curiosity.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Lila shook her head and calmly changed the topic, "Ethan, when will we go back to register our marriage?"

"After all this has settled. You do realize that the upcoming Top Ten Model Awards will be Rainy's opportunity to advance in her career. Lila, she is lucky to have you...otherwise, she would have been ruined this time." Ethan poured Lila some red wine and raised his glass to hers.

"I will help you get back what you deserve," Lila smiled softly; her dimples made her appear even more beautiful.

However, Ethan Han didn't notice her at all. His heart was already bewitched by years of bedside seduction from Rainy Mo. So, he had no idea that Lila's words had a hidden meaning.

"Lila, you have suffered..."

Lila knew, for all that she was about to do, today's lunch was meant to be a reward. However, this reward was all a ploy to mask his true intentions.

"Also, after the press conference, get in contact with your manager. In order to deal with her, it looks like we have to use a legal approach."

"Okay," Lila smiled sweetly.

However, there was no way she was going to let him touch Mandy Long.

2pm. Inside Heaven Entertainment's main hall, reporters from all forms of media were gathered. They were all interested in what Lila had to say.

Everyone had questions for her, ranging from why she suddenly retreated from the public eye, to why she signed on with Heaven Entertainment, to what really happened with her substituting Rainy Mo. Ever since she retreated, she had kept a low profile. It was hard to find anything bad about her.

Today, was the perfect opportunity for them...

3pm. Dressed in plain clothes, Lila appeared with bodyguards by her side. She slowly walked onto the stage and turned around to face the crowd. The reporters fought to be the first to question her.

"Lila Tang, your name has been number one in the search rankings and it's still up there. Did you pay for that position?"

"Lila Tang, you and Rainy Mo are both models of Heaven Entertainment, but in recent years, only she has been in the limelight. Have you been shelved by the agency, so you were envious of her fame?"

"Lila Tang, did you create this mess for hype?"

Facing the chaotic scene, the agency's staff quickly stepped out to hold back the reporters, putting everything back in control. Finally, Lila was allowed to speak.

"First of all, I want to apologize to everyone for damaging the agency's reputation and causing everyone to question Miss Rainy Mo's integrity."

"At the hf Crown's Star Show, I made the decision myself, unknown to my company and Rainy Mo, to appear on stage. Everything that has happened has nothing to do with Heaven Entertainment and Miss Rainy Mo."

"I was...indeed trying to create hype! But my manager has nothing to do with it. She was merely being used by me. I have decided to take on all responsibility. Thank you for your patience, Thank you."

After Lila spoke, the hall was in an uproar...

The reporters were flustered... They had never seen a celebrity admit to their wrongdoings so easily and in such a straightforward manner. Other people would have tried to avoid the situation, but she had taken on all the blame, claiming it had nothing to do with her manager, her agency, and Rainy Mo.

Lila thought that everything was over after that. But, as it turned out, Ethan had prepared something else for her. In order to confirm that she had created hype, he told the artistes' director to approach Lila and face the media with her. "This was not the first time that she has done something like this. But...the company and I will give her one last chance. Lila, I hope you can learn from your mistakes and not step over the line again."

Not the first time... The purpose of these words were to obviously push back Mandy's claims. Now it seemed, every time she substituted Rainy Mo in the past, it was to create hype for herself.

Ethan Han, you are ruthless!

Lila remained silent as she gave an apologetic bow to the media. Then, with the protection of the company's staff, she was escorted out of the main hall...

In an instant, the netizens were filled with hate. Since Lila had admitted everything outright, the public only saw what was on the surface and was filled with anger. Even the staff at Oceans Entertainment treated the matter like a laughing stock.

Coming out of a meeting, Mason overheard his staffs' discussions. He turned to look at his assistant, and he quickly revealed what had happened at the press conference that day. "President, do you want to do something to assist Miss Tang?"

"Not just yet, I want to see how she will deal with it herself," Mason replied gently. He had already mentioned before that he was curious how Lila would react. Since he had helped her the last two times, he wanted to see how she would resolve this matter on her own.

As Mason Mo's wife, was she really going to let something like this discourage her?