Their Relationship

"O-Oceans Entertainment's…C…E…O?" the representative from LM was stunned as he pointed at Mason and stuttered.

"How is this possible?"

Director Liu also saw the scene in front of him and was in a moment of disbelief. Lila had actually managed to invite Oceans Entertainment's CEO, Mason Mo; a man who was capable of determining the life and death of an artist; a man who had total control over the entertainment industry's resources; the high and mighty, mysterious CEO, Mason Mo!

Dear God!

Nothing was more pleasantly surprising yet terrifying at the same time!

"Pr…President Mo, how are you?" the representative immediately bowed respectfully at Mason. Even Director Liu had to show a bit of modesty around him.

"No need to be polite," Mason said coolly as he adjusted his suit jacket.

"So…you…" LM's representative couldn't believe that Lila had managed to bring Mason Mo here, so he had to reconfirm.

This was Mason Mo!