A Broken Relationship

Orange Entertainment, CEO's office.

This was the first time Joel experienced such an atmosphere. Lancy was using her CEO identity to interrogate her 'irresponsible' manager, "If they wanted to replace Wind, what did it have to do with you? Why were you the one to recommend a replacement? Joel, you better give me an explanation."

"Lila was put in a difficult position in Moscow. This time she was humiliated by Wind. I also have a question for you President Lan: as the CEO of Lila's management agency, don't you think you haven't put in enough effort to protect your artist?"

"Joel, watch your attitude!" Lancy slammed her hands on the table and growled angrily. "I am Orange Entertainment's CEO, in this building, you do not have the right to point fingers."

"It must be because Lila isn't obedient!" Joel continued to speak the truth,"For our President Lan, signing a disobedient model must be difficult for you to stomach."