Because It's a Perfect Body

The next day, because Lila had work at 8am, she woke up at 6:30am. She instructed Mandy to make breakfast before she quietly took it into Mason's suite.

As Mason had rushed straight over to the photography studio after landing yesterday, he did not have time to organize his clothes and documents. At this moment, they were strewn across the sofa.

Lila knew he was tired, so she gently tidied everything up neatly before placing the fragrant breakfast on the table outside his bedroom.

Finally, she walked barefoot over to Mason's bed and sat on the edge before gently running her hand across his attractive face.

Mason seemed to have already been awake a long time ago. As he felt her fingers climbing across his face, he grabbed her and placed his head on her thigh.

Lila's heart ached as she played with his hair before linking her hand with his ring-bearing left hand, "In a moment, Mandy will accompany me to the shoot. Stay here and get some rest, okay?"