Do You Still Feel Innocent?

West Mountain Residence. Maple Leaf Study Room.

Elder Tang's assistant handed him his phone, "Chairman look, it's a phone call from the CEO of Oceans Entertainment..."

"Pass it here," Elder Tang put down the perfume sample in his hands and received the phone from his assistant. He then gestured for him to leave.

The assistant respectfully turned to leave. Afterwards, Elder Tang lifted the phone to his ear and answered with a deep and aged voice.

"Elder Tang, how are you?" Mason's voice was deep and intimidating.

"So, you are the man that my granddaughter is dating?" Elder Tang jumped straight into the main question.

"I am Mason Mo," Mason greeted without being humble nor pushy. In terms of power, neither of them seemed to hold the upper hand. Although Elder Tang was older and wiser, Mason was stable and unpredictable.

"Hmmph, how could there be true love in a dirty place like the entertainment industry?"