You Obviously Know That He Likes You

After returning home, Elder Tang sat alone in his study room for quite some time holding onto the black box that Mason had given him. After hesitating for a while, he ended up locking the box in his safe. He knew that if he was to look at the contents of the box, he would not be able to endure another second around Sharla.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. It was Sharla, "Grandfather, may I come in?"

Elder Tang adjusted his complex expression and replied, "Come in."

Sharla pushed open the door and entered, revealing a dazzling smile. She directly approached Elder Tang, grabbed onto his arm, and started swaying it from side to side, "Grandfather, it's so boring being a pregnant woman at home. Can I go out and do some work?"


After Elder Tang uncovered the true Sharla, everything that came out of her mouth sounded like it was a part of her scheme.