Why Didn't You Tell Me Earlier?

"Didn't you say on the phone earlier that you had good news to tell me?" Summer asked as she drew his attention back to her.

"I am releasing a new album," Jackson replied with a smile.

"I knew our Star would become more and more famous."

Jackson tried his best to maintain his smile, but as time passed, he found it harder and harder to conceal his true feelings. Just as he almost buckled, Grace suddenly appeared behind them and said in a professional manner, "Star, Vice President Fang wants to see us in his office."

Jackson suddenly felt like he had been saved as he said to Summer, "I'm going to go to a meeting first. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay!" Summer nodded her head understandingly.

Afterwards, Jackson turned and left. As he left, he thought to himself, he never imagined that the kind and pure Summer would have another side to her.