I've Never Been a Nice Person

"That's enough, what can I do? Sharon won't let Star or I off. Whether I say anything, the result will still be the same. Miss Song, please leave," Summer turned and looked fiercely at Grace. Her mind had long been in a mess.

Her message was clear: she couldn't help.

In reality, before Grace arrived, she had already predicted this outcome. But she still decided to give it a gamble. She wanted to see if the woman that Jackson once liked, would have at least, the tiniest bit of conscience and courage.

But after hearing Summer's response, Grace laughed...

"Since you've decided to give up on Star, then don't regret it." After speaking, Grace stood up straight and left the room.

Summer slowly returned her gaze. At this moment, all she felt was self-mockery.

She understood Jackson. Regardless of everything else, Jackson was a kind person. She couldn't possibly push him off the edge, but Sharon Ruan was different.