Isn't She Attending?

Tang Corporation's Annual Product Launch was fast approaching, but the public had not received word of whether Lila would be attending.

After solving the issue with the leaked VIP list, Lila had once disappeared from everyone's sight. Even as an Acting CEO, she barely made an appearance, so the staff at Tang Corporation barely got to see her.

3pm. Guests began to gather in the waiting rooms of the Crown's Star Hotel, where Tang Corporation's Annual Product Launch was to be held. But, Lila was still nowhere to be seen.

Inside one of the waiting rooms sat Sharla. Her outfit and makeup was ready as she looked at herself in the vanity mirror. Beside her stood Shane and her makeup artist. The makeup artist scanned her eyes in detail across Sharla.

"Mr. Lin, she's ready," the makeup artist said as she put down her tools and retreated behind Shane.

Shane looked calmly at Sharla. The woman in the mirror was no longer like an evil rose...