You Still Won't Allow Yourself To Suffer Any Loss

Gina was a famous supermodel.

Even though she was married, her style and status was better than ever. She was internationally famous and had taken home many number one titles in Asia.

After all, Oceans Entertainment's PR manager turned Vice President, Ewan Fang, was her husband. So, he naturally planned out Gina's career path neatly and with purpose.

So, knowing today was Gina's birthday, Ewan decked out the garden in the hotel for his beloved wife's birthday to make her happy. As a result, there were decorations and surprises everywhere.

Not many people had been invited to Gina's birthday celebration. Most of the guests were famous models from the fashion industry and friends from Oceans Entertainment. As everyone arrived, they began chatting amongst themselves.

"I heard Lila will be coming tonight."