Who Could Hannah Blame?

"The person I'm taking you to see today is President Liu from Eastern Victory Film Studios. He has recently been working on a new program. It may be of help to us. If you can secure President Liu's support, we may be able to make a comeback. Understand?"

After hearing from Charles, Hannah nodded her head. To put up a good battle, Hannah was dressed to her nines and appeared in her best state.

Soon, the couple arrived at a hotel. As soon as they stepped into the private room, they were met with a short and plump man sitting at a round dining table. Hannah immediately felt a little uncomfortable, but Charles, on the other hand, walked straight up to the man.

For some reason, Hannah felt the Charles at this moment was very foreign...

After all, President Liu's eyes were lustful and he had an extremely greasy vibe. One glance and one could tell that he wasn't a good person.