You Don't Know How To Be Cautious Of Your Acquaintances

Wilson's wedding was extremely grand and lots of famous names were attending. Lila probably wasn't the most attention-attracting person there, but her attendance was definitely a huge talking point.

However, outsiders had no idea how deep of a grudge Lila and President Fan had. So, no one expected a war to erupt at the wedding.

Soon, Wilson's wedding was held in Beijing's biggest cathedral and a huge number of models and actors attended.

In order to suit the occasion, Lila appeared dressed in a long beige dress. Although she was already 7-8 months pregnant, the other parts of her body didn't change much. So, she still looked as sexy as ever.

On that day, even President Mo specifically wore a black tailored suit that made him look extra noble. When the couple stood next to each other, they were bound to create a stir.

Soon, Luka delivered the two to the cathedral. At this time, the outside of the cathedral was already packed with stars.