After All, We're Married...

"Does Mason think he can succeed in everything? Let's see how he performs this time..."

No matter who won and who lost in this battle, it was a good chance for him to grow his business.

Wasn't it better to just sit back and let them fight amongst themselves?

After all, he still had two presents prepared for the Mos, waiting for Mason and Lila to receive them. He wasn't completely heartless; he didn't kick people while they were down. So, he was going to wait until Linda's matter was over before he delivered the presents to them.


Chad knew it was hard to come to an agreement with Elder Nangong, so he deliberately avoided the old man. To date, this was the best way to maintain peace with him.

As long as it wasn't against his morals, he was happy to step back and remain neutral. Of course, matters relating to Little Eggshell and Erin were exceptions.