How's That Possible?

On the morning of the 16th, the mysterious coupons were finally all handed out. Although it wasn't hard to find a few lying around in rubbish bins, the majority of coupon-holders planned to attend the event that night.

Soon, a long line formed outside a particular theater. Everyone in line had something in common: they liked 'The Ant Queen' wholeheartedly.

Reporters soon arrived on the scene and they all wanted to know what film fans thought about Oceans Entertainment's event. A large number of people actually answered enthusiastically.

"It's freezing cold today, so I didn't really want to leave the house. But, it's so lively inside the theater and Oceans Entertainment is holding a big and interesting event for 'The Ant Queen'. Plus, I'm especially curious about the 'gift' in my hands," a young man said.

"Places like this are the best for dates. It's nice and warm in here."