Who Would Dare To Bully Professor Gu? Unless, They Want To Fail!

The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly turned tense. Everyone assumed that Janette was young and could be easily fooled so they only told her the good things and avoided the bad.

But, they never expected her to see through their lies.

"Our singer Jon Qin was recently caught cheating, but you guys didn't grab onto the right timing to clear the scandal. As a result, the media blew up the incident and Jon Qin was forced to hide overseas. This could have been avoided."

"And what about our actor, Logan Lai? He was exposed for working in a nightclub before he debuted. But, not only did the PR department fail to suppress the matter, the media ended up latching onto this scandal. This is the most embarrassing period in Oceans Entertainment's PR history."

"What are you guys thinking? My father may be sick, but I'm clear-headed. So, the Head of the PR department will be dismissed from his position and the Vice President will take over temporarily."