
Erotic Torture

I had been tied to these posts for, wait, how long has it been? I don't even know. I was blind folded with my legs and arms spread. Austin had me this way. He said he wanted to train my body, he wanted me to be hypersensitive to his touch. Since I'd been here, he has been teasing me. Playing with my nipples, kissing my sweet spots, eating me until I was close to orgasm and stopping abruptly. I wanted him inside me so bad.

I heard the door open and immediately felt his presence fill the room. Austin cleared his throat. I counted his steps, seven. I could feel his breath tickle my nose. We kissed, I couldn't help but whimper, I wanted him so bad. My arousal making my centerfolds moist. Austin placed one hand around my throat as he did so, his other hand found it's way down to my pool of pleasure. He twirled his fingers in slow circles

sending shockwaves of ecstasy into me.

After playing with my clit he slipped his long fingers inside. I hissed as I fucked his hand.

"Baby, please, fuck me." I begged.

"I will, soon enough." He assured me.

He didn't stop massaging my insides. I threw my head back, close to cumming. I was almost there when he decided to stop again. I groaned needful of more pleasure. Austin untied my arms and they dropped to my side like two heavy weights. They were slightly sore and I felt like I had gained some muscle. Austin picked me up and carried me over to the bed.

"Now, if you don't behave I will have to tie you back up, understand? " I nodded my head still unable to move my arms.

Austin smiled, "good now lie down." I followed his directions eager for him to continue.

He removed his shirt, putting his flawless body on display. I licked my lips, I loved running my fingers across his stomach while he fucked me. I was getting more and more horny with everything he did. His pants were off now and I could see his dick struggling against his boxers.

I resisted the urge to set him free, but then I remembered that I'm supposed to be more submissive and relaxed. Once he was completely naked, he joined me in the bed between my thighs. He kissed me slowly, knowing how it made my lower regions react. I kissed him back letting him lead. I wanted to flip him over and ride but, this whole lesson is about him being in charge. I whimpered and squirmed under him. I was getting very impatient.

"Austin pleeeassse." I called out to him. He smirked and began rubbing his mushroom tip across my sensitive bud. I looked him right in the eyes as he did this. How did he have so much control, why wasn't he ripping into me? I was so ready I wanted to scream. Finally he entered me. It felt like I came immediately. He slid in and back out, and already his cock was covered in my arousal. He started with a steady pace, long, deep strokes.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I watched his dick go in and out of me. I am still amazed that he fits sometimes. Austin grabs my hands and places them over my head as he begins to speed up. I have his hand clawed in my own as I orgasm. My back comes away from the bed. He keeps going as I cum, it makes the orgasm seem endless. My body makes contact with the bed again and I struggle to catch my breath. There are a few tears that ran down my cheeks.

He kissed them away and rolled us over to our sides. My eyes immediately went to the mirror. I loved how focused he looked when he was trying to make me burst. "Sssshhhhit." He hissed as he entered me again. I lifted my leg and he held it in place as I arched my back for him. He tried to go slow but couldn't contain himself. One hand was at my neck and the other holding thigh and he slammed me into him repeatedly.

At this point I'm shaking because I can't stop cumming. Everything is blurry, my body is paralyzed and all I can do is moan and let him fuck me. I tried to speak but it sounded muddled. I was stuck in a world of pleasure and it intensified with every powerful thrust. My body began to tense up, we both knew what that meant. He sped up as I tried my best to contain my liquids. The more I held on, the harder he fucked me.

"Stop fuckin playin wit me and let that shit out." Austin demanded.

I whimpered knowing that I couldn't hold it back much longer.

"I'm just tryna bring the best outcha." He coaxed.

Fuck, I thought to myself, I wanted to be able to control this shit, but I couldn't. I could feel myself being to leak. This was just motivation for Austin, he turned my head and kissed me. When his tongue entered my mouth I let my river run. I love this fucking man!

"Oooooouuuu look what I did." Now, he was boasting. I inwardly rolled my eyes because he was definitely worth the hype. Once all the water in my body had been drained, I was no more good. He really does snatch my soul. The sex was over but it's like I was traumatized because I couldn't stop moaning. Austin carried me to the tub and cleaned me up before laying me down to sleep. He kissed me, told me he loved me, and that's all I remember before going to sleep.