Chapter 2: Alice's 19th Birthday

The Alicesha, Kingdom of Princess Alice has envisioned a regal birthday gathering with thousands of guests, a full choir, and with busy servants, roaming and checking around the fancy and lavish reception hall.

Her father, King Sulliman, invited all the people of his kingdom. Upper class and royal families were on the scaffolding together with the King Sulliman, Queen Marie, Princess Shaotzie, and Princess Alice.

The Middle Class and the lower class gathered on together. Alice 19th birthday celebration is too significant for the Alicesha, and for all the people of it.

"Good evening everyone! Welcome to the Kingdom of Alicesha!" King Sulliman exclaimed.

The guests yelled and screamed for being grateful and pleased. King Sulliman was the only King who invited the lower class to the birthday party her daughter, Princess Alice.

"I gathered all of you tonight, to celebrate and to commemorate the special day of my daughter, Princess Alice!" He stood up and keenly watch his people, his servants, his guests.

"Tonight, we're not going to toss our glass because of that, but rather, we're tossing it because I am proudly to announce, the next queen of Alicesha is no other than my eldest daughter, Princess Alice!"

King Sulliman turned his head and let her daughter to greet and to give respect to all guests, including the King and Queen, Princesses and Prince of nearby Kingdom.

"Princess Alice!"

"Princess Alice!"

People of Alicesha welcomed their next reigning queen. They are all happy and thankful that Alice was chosen to ascend the throne.

"My pleasure to be your next queen. I am assuring that The Kingdom of Alicesha will not be in vain the moment I ascended to the throne. My future people, my future men, I, Princess Alice, your queen!" Alice proclaimed confidently.

No doubt, Alice was deserving to sit on the throne of his father, King Sulliman. Princess Alice was wearing an extravagant dress with a mixed color of lavender and yellow, it's embroidered with her favorite color, purple. She was wearing the crown of a Princess same with Princess Shaotzie. The only difference between the two crowns is the jewel stone.

Shaotzie chooses the emerald stone, while Alice chooses the amethyst stone.

"Thank you everyone for your warm and enthusiastic welcome. Father, I am grateful that you trusted me as the next ruler of our kingdom. It's my honor, your majesty." Princess Alice bowed and give respect to her father.

King Sulliman holds her daughter's hand and said, "A year after now, you will be crowned, Princess Alice. If I and your mother were gone already, please, rule our people fairly. Protect your youngest sibling, Princess Shaotzie. I am certain that you will be one of the greatest and tremendous queen of all times."

"Your Majesty, please give me the opportunity to ask the next queen about the man he chooses to be her king." Prince Zachary of Vladimir knelt down and bowed his head, a facade of King Sulliman.

King Sulliman looked at her daughter, sighing and smiling genuinely. "Let my daughter answer your concern, Prince Zachary of Kingdom Vladimir." He told the Prince.

"Go on, Alice." The King whimpered and let her daughter answered herself.

Princess Alice bowed to the Prince, before answering his question. "Your honor, at this point in my life, I don't have still time to look and to choose a man to be my king," Alice answered.

Prince Zachary looked at the peculiar eyes of the Princess. He felt something romantic towards her.

"Your Majesty, it's my honor to know that Princess Alice didn't yet choose a Prince to be her king." Prince Zachary smiled and seated back, feeling delighted.

"My pleasure. Tonight, let's celebrate, and have fun!" King Sulliman announced and the crowd began to howl and to have leisure.

The full choir began to sing a magical masterpiece. Everyone was busy, eating delicious and luscious food, served for all guests.

"My pleasure to congratulate you, Princess Alice." Shaotzie embraces her eldest sibling with a wide smile plaster on her rosy and triangle shape face.

"Thank you, Shaotzie!" Alice hugged Shaotzie back.

Alice kisses her mother's cheek and looked at her wrinkled face. "This is it, Mother! Your dream will be come true, soon." Queen Marie was diagnosed with an uncurable disease, which makes her hard to talk again. She was in her room, the whole day and the whole night.

"Co... ngra...tuali...tion, A...lice!" Her mother forced herself to congratulate her daughter for achieving one of her dream for Alice.

"I love you, Mom!" Alice told her mother as still, she has the opportunity to do it.

King Sulliman went to his allies to have some talk and wine. Shaotzie on the other hand went to her friends from the lower class, and that want makes Alice proud of her.

Alice for the nth time, watched the priceless smiles of the people, most especially the warm smile of the lower class. They were laughing and chuckling, some of them are dancing like no one is watching.

"What a beautiful scenery!" Alice uttered suddenly.

Alice went down from the reception hall and wander around, outside. She looked up at the starry night, realizing that the moon was brighter than the other day.

The cold wind blew her majestic cloak and dress. Princess Alice heard someone gasp behind her, and she saw a figure of a man.

It was too dark to recognize the man's face, and so, the Princess ordered to show off his face.

"As your next majesty, and as an order, get off from the darkness and reveal yourself!" Princess Alice said.

With the deep voice of the Princess, the man showed himself. He was slim and tall, he's wearing a simple and tanned plain blouse, matched with a pair of trousers. The princess raised her eyebrows upon seeing his old and wicked shoes.

"Your majesty, I got bored at the reception hall and so I went outside to unwind. My sincere apology for startling you." Alice was not paying attention to what he was walking about.

Alice was ensnared with a man's face. He was alluring and looked manly, Princess Alice gulped. She never acted this way since before, and not just bragging, Alice met handsome and wealthy Prince before.

The man waited for her majesty to respond. He's been bowing his head down for a minute. "Your majesty!" He exclaimed.

Princess Alice came back to reality when the man's voice raised up. She looked away ashamed and said, "What class do you belong to?" She asked, to divert the tension.

Alice has never been looked intently at someone. He was too handsome and elegant despite his simple posture. "At the lower class, your honor." The man replied shortly.

On the other hand, the man looked at the Princess when she's not staring at him. He's stealing a glimpse of her majesty, at this late hour.

"But you look like not one of them," Alice said.

"I am, your majesty and I don't have the right to lie to you." He mumbled.

Alice thought for an exciting question and said, "Tell me your name."

The man from the lower class widened his eyes in shock, he never thought that a Princess would ask his name. It was his dream, to see and to meet the Princess personally.

"Please, as a loyal servant and subordinate of Alicesha  give me a chance to hold and kiss your royal hand, your Majesty." For the first time, the man looked up at the Princess with a big smile on his face.

Princess Alice was stunned with his eyes. It was bluish and round, his shiny brown-curled hair was made for this night. Alice shook her head, instead of saying no.

Most of the royal family didn't let the lower class touch nor talk to them. It was an insult for them, however for Princess Alice, as the Queen of Alicesha, she must know how to treat her people fairly and lawfully.

The man hold gently and with care the Princess's hand, he kisses it and it gives goosebumps for Alice. "I am Zeln, your majesty." The man said, letting go of her soft and fragrant hand.

Princess Alice was surprised when the man finally told his real name. What a royal name! At the back of her head.

"Zeln," Alice uttered, nodding her head down and forth. Zeln smiled at the Princess, showing his perfect and white set of teeth. "Yes, your majesty."

Alice never falls in love with an ordinary man, or to be exact, she never fell in love with anyone. The Prince of Vladimir is undeniably good looking and fearless. The Prince of Parthia is a warrior that defeated its enemy for many times. The Prince of Dillion is the most handsome and caring prince she met. But, she never felt so nervous and uneasy in front of them.

"At this starry night, it is the best time to elude from reality, from responsibility, from all people that surrounds me, you, and us," Zeln told the Princess like they have the same status and level in life.

In the midst of the party, a nocturne was played beautifully. It was breathtaking to hear with, something like the song talks to your heart and soul.

Zeln and Alice watch the moon peacefully like they have known each other for so long. In a sudden, Cartlon showed up and saw The Princess and a man, standing together.

"Your highness, your father has been looking for you!" He said, staring at Zeln with doubt and fear.

Alice shook her head, and for the last time, she stared at Zeln before going back to the hall.