Chapter 5: The Royal Burial

Exactly at dawn, Princess Alice and Princess Shaotzie remained standing in front of their parents' dead bodies.

The King and the Queen wore their royal gown and garment. Both sides of their body, there were fragrant petals of white roses and daisies.

Even though they are gone, Alice believes that her parents' soul will be at good hands. Likewise, there's someone who will watch and guide them from above.

"King Sulliman and Queen Marie were good and fair to their people. They were committed to the responsibilities given to them by our Almighty. Nevertheless, we can't elude death and we can't live forever in this world. At this juncture, may I proclaimed that may your souls rest in peace and serenity. The two of you shall not be forgotten, forever, and ever."

Shaotzie, for the nth time, cried out. She leaned closer to Alice and leaned to her chest.

"Your majesty, it's time to lit the torch," Lucy said.

Caliek and Cartlon remained standing, behind her. They watch the traditional cremation of the late King and Queen.

Princess Alice rubbed Shaotzie's back to calm her down. "We need to let go, Shaotzie. It is our time." She added.

Shaotzie moved a little bit away from Alice. They lit the torches they were holding, and step slowly to their parents. "May your souls rest in peace, father, mother," Shaotzie mumbled and threw the flaming torch into it.

For the whole day, since it was proclaimed the death of King and queen, Alice never showed her pain to the people around her. She never burst into tears until at this juncture.

"We will miss the two of you, father, mother. However, please guide and protect my people, my kingdom, Alicesha from any harm, enemy, and havoc. I am truly grateful that I am your daughter, how I wish you were still here at my side, at Shaotzie's side to witness the upcoming crowning of the new queen. Unfortunately, the two of you died on the same day, even if it's hard, I will force myself to accept and to let you go."

Alice closed her eyes because of the burden she's bearing. She can't hide it anymore, she can't stop herself from crying and weeping. She can't order here heart not to get hurt, because, in reality, even the strongest man cried.

"Goodbye!" Tears flow down to cheeks, as she threw the flaming torch. She stayed there for a couple of minutes, watching her parents burning for good.

"Bring me the cremated body of the king and queen afterward," Alice said firmly. She intimately wipes her face and faced her servants boldly.

"Yes, your highness!"

Princess Alice, for the last time glance at the raucous and wildfire. She walked away from the breathtaking dawn of her life and wondered at the dark and quiet sanctuary of Alicesha.

Her servants, Shaotzie, Caliek, and Cartlon let the Princess have her own peace. She needs time and space for him to accept what happened.

"Mother, father, please–" Shaotzie mumble. It is hard for her to talk to, it is very hard indeed. "Protect me and Alice. We need you more, but we need to learn to be on our own starting today. Protect us, your highness!"

Shaotzie, waited for the royal cremation to end.

"Cartlon, stay here with Princess Shaotzie and I'll come next to the Queen." Caliek couldn't stop worrying, he whispered and waited for Cartlon's answer.

"The best thing we can do is to let her abide all of these. Let her alone, Caliek. She needs a moment and space." Carlton told him.

Cartlon was right. No one can take away the pain that the Princess is enduring at this point in her life. If someone who loves dies, it is hard to stand again with your head held high. Perhaps, it would take a long period of time before someone fully overcome the sadness and grief.

This is the rule of life, if you were born, except it that you will die anytime and anywhere. Whether you like me or not, we are all mortals who only borrowed our lives with the Almighty.

"All right! Let's stay here, then, for good." Caliek shook his head, this time Cartlon is right. They need to stay beside the Princess no matter what happened.

Likewise, before the death of King Sulliman, Cartlon heard someone talking with him. He heard something that they kept as a secret for the longest time. But, now, the Princess should overcome and withstand this hideous truth for her to rule and to lead the Alicesha with confidence and bravery.

Princess Alice embraces herself upon the cold, chilling breeze that touches her delicate skin. She looked up the rising sun, as tears outpouring into her cheeks.

"Father, mother, why did you leave us all of a sudden? I am not yet ready to be the queen of Alicesha. I need your strength, your protection, and your lives." Alice couldn't suppress the pain in her chest, even she force not to cry but Alice can't stop her heart from the pain and grief.

For twenty years, Alice has been used to live with a complete family who supports everything she does. A family who encourages and nurtures her potentials not just a royal daughter but as a woman.

Princess Alice lowered her head down and burst into a loud moan. "If you can still hear me, please I need a sign. Please, just one sign, and I promise that I'll protect Shaotzie even if it's taking my life away."

Pain and suffering, made the Princess heart and soul's broken. She wasn't yet ready, she never wishes too.

A calm, cold wind touches the Princess's back. It wasn't just a normal wind, "Father? Mother?" She exclaimed, looking around.

Alice wiped her tears and closed her eyes slowly. She feels everything that surrounds her, "Alice."

"Father!" She uttered.

There is a vivid light coming from above, and she saw her parents wearing a white long robe and they were smiling at her, sweetly and genuinely.

"Don't lose hope, your mother and I are here to protect and guide you and Shaotzie against any danger. Alice, don't forget to believe in yourself. Don't mistrust your potentials, you need to follow your heart and use your mind to rule the Alicesha. Alice, my soon-to-be queen, we need to go. Your grandfather is waiting for us. Alice, listen to your spirit and to your heart, and if you do so, you will conquer and vanquish all your enemies. Goodbye, My Queen."

Princess Alice listened carefully while crying. "Fatheeeeeer!" She screamed as the light vanished so suddenly.

"Alice, listen to your spirit and to your heart, and if you do so, you will conquer and vanquish all your enemies." It flashes back into her mind, it was indeed advantageous for her.

It was all she need to stand and to continue howling and live her life the amplest.


– Atlantis: The Lost Kingdom –

It was midnight, but as time passes by he saw the rising sun from the ground.

"Sunrise." He uttered, standing still watching one of the best creatures of God.

"Swordsman, the King wants to talk to you."

"I shall come to see him, right away." The servant bowed and went back to the palace.

The man, for the last time, looked up at the bright sun and smiled. "There's something strange that embracing the sun." He whispered and walked into the King's compartment.

"The swordsman is here, your majesty."

The King nodded his head and said in a deep voice, "Let him in."

The servant bowed and declared openly, "Let the swordsman in!"

The main door opened, and the swordsman knelt down to give respect to his majesty.

"It is my pleasure, your majesty." The swordsman told the king.

"Leave us alone." The king requested.

The servants and the wardens left the king and the swordsman alone. "I've been looking and reaching you, Zeln. Where are you hiding at, for all these years?" The King asked, devastatingly.

The swordsman abruptly laugh and replied, "My sincere apology, your majesty. I've been resting and preparing for something serious and tremendous war."


"Yes, your honor."

"What kind of war Zeln?"

"Zombie apocalypse and the only remaining Kingdom is the Alicesha, but anytime soon zombies will dissipate through the whole place," Zeln told the king certainly.

The king gasped, and think for a while. "Zeln, your the only man whom I can trust my kingdom, my hard work, and so I am entrusting to you the position of, Prince of Atlantis. You can see, I have no children, but I have you. Zeln, are you willing to accept my offer?"

Zeln looked away, and try to think carefully. All his life, he never thought that he will a prince in the future. Zeln couldn't stop reminiscing that night, that night where the Princess of Alicesha talked to him like he is in the same state as the Princess.

The King awaits for a good response from him, he can't entrust his kingdom with anyone around him. There are traitors who're hiding behind their masks and pleasing personality.

"Your highness, I don't think I am deserving to be a Prince. I am the son of a slave and I don't possess royal blood. I am apologetic, but I don't want to accept your offer."

Zeln turned his back at the King and took a few steps away from him.

"You are my missing son, Zeln!" The king professed with no hesitation. If Zeln will not accept, then he gives the king no choice but to tell him the truth.

"You are my missing son, Zelnchariah!" The King walked closer to him, eagerly.

Zeln couldn't believe everything. He didn't look back and ask his father, and so, he left dumbfounded and shocked.