Chapter 8: Prince of Atlantis

Atlantis prepared for the crowning Zeln as Prince of Atlantis. King Zeus has been looking for his son, and now he found Zeln, he will do everything for him.

"Your majesty, everything was settled. We were just waiting for our guests and visitors to come."

King Zeus said, "Where is my son?"

"At his room, your majesty. Preparing for the event."

King gasped and said, "Finally, Sapphira can't stop me from crowning my own son."

The fancy and inclusive party was open for all classes of Atlantis. Zeln requested that he want to see and to meet his people face to face.

"Your majesty, the King is waiting for you at the reception hall." 

"Tell the King that give me five minutes, and I shall come to the hall immediately," Zeln told the servant.

"Yes, your majesty."

The servant left the Prince in his room. Without knowing, that the Prince got a small cut at his palm out of his knowledge.

The blood was dark red and with a shade of blue. Zeln didn't know where he got the wound.

The King welcomed the guests and visitors that arrived while the Prince tried to hide the wound.

"May I call on my son, Zeln."

Zeln heard the King. He went on to the hall and noticed the mob.

"I am glad to see you all." Zeln bowed to all visitors and guests.

King Zeus smiled and said, "It's not easy to find a person who's hiding. But then, I'd never try to give up searching for my missing son, until one bright, sunny day. My men saw Zeln at the Kingdom of Alicesha, as soon as it was confirmed. I ordered to fetch him and to bring him back at Atlantis."

"Today, I am proud to announce the Prince of Atlantis and soon to be the next King, my son, Zeln."

The crowd clapped their hands and bowed to the newly crowned prince.

"Prince Zeln!"

"Prince Zeln!"

"I'm pleased with your warm welcome, and as a Prince, I will do my very best to serve my people, all of you, fairly and legally. Thank you, for coming to this unforgettable moment of my life."

"To my father, King Zeus, thank you for trusting me. I owe my life to you."

Zeln bowed, and the King blessed the new crowned Prince.

"Today, as a traditional and ancestral of crowning the next King. Accept this legendary phoenix sword of mine. From now on, you will use this against your enemy." King Zeus give the weapon as his gift to Prince Zeln.

Prince Zeln said, "I preferably accept your gift, father."

"Congratulations, son." King Zeus said.

As the ceremony finished, King Zeus hugs his son in front of many people. "The ceremony has come to its end, and now, let us rejoice and have fun!"

The crowd yelled and praise the King and the Prince.

"King Zeus! Prince Zeln!"

Everyone was so happy, knowing that the Prince, finally found by his father. However, Zeln knows nothing about his father, about himself.

King Zeus get his right arm and lifted it. "Atlantis! Atlantis!" By then, the crowd shouted and shrieked while having fun and enjoying the delicious foods in the buffet.

Prince Zeln stared at the main door hoping that his mother, Catthia is there to witness this memorable event of his life.

"Father!" He called the King.

"What's wrong, Zeln?"

Prince Zeln accepted the offer of King Zeus, but as an exchange, he told the King that he wants to fetch Catthia in the far, far, Kingdom of Alicesha. But, it will take 100 days to reach the Alicesha by riding with the horses.

"I felt something strange." Prince Zeln told his father.

"Son, relax. Nothing bad will happen. All right?" King Zeus tapped his shoulders.

Prince Zeln tried to calm himself and not to think unusual things by drinking an expensive wine made of rye and barley.

"Father, I barely need some fresh air to divert my attention." Prince Zeln told his father who's talking with his friends and royal visitors.

King Zeus shook his head and let the Prince do whatever he wishes.

While the crowd is busy, Zeln went outside from the reception and strolled at the wide alley of Atlantis.

The sky was vividly visible from the ground. The warm, bright sky was slowly covered by clouds and shadows.

The weather shifted suddenly. It became sad, dull, and dreadful like there's something gonna happen.

"Your majesty, upon observing you this fast few weeks it seems like you love watching the sky." Out of nowhere, his long time best friend, Zach said.

The moment he was fetched by his father's men, Zachary volunteered to come along with Zeln. To be his servant or even a slave, since he was living all himself, alone.

Prince Zeln abruptly laugh and said, "Are you my stalker?"

Zachary shook his head and do the same thing as the Prince. "No."

"You're right. Every time I look up above the sky, it makes me calm and in ease. But, stare at it, the blue sky was concealed by clouds that make me imagine terrible things." Zeln said, looking at Zachary.

Zachary looked at him sharply and said, "You are the Prince of Atlantis, better get rid of the thought of being a fortune teller, or what people call it."

Prince Zeln looked at his palm. To his surprise, the wound was already healed.

"What's wrong, Zeln?!"

Zeln showed his palm, and Zachary stared at it confusedly. "There's nothing wrong at your palm. What is really going on?"

"I don't know! But before the ceremony, my palm got a small cut and I don't have any idea where I got it!"

Zachary saw a small trace and he saw rare color blood of Prince Zeln. How it will heal in just a couple of minutes?

"Your majesty, your father is looking for you."

"Yes. We will follow, immediately!"

Zeln and Zachary decided to go back inside of the gathering hall even though they have something to discuss with.

As the Prince of Atlantis stepped at the hall, the King's men who will fetch Cattia suddenly came out.

King Zeus said, "What happened?"

"We are forced to return, your majesty. Along the way, we saw zombies wrecking the Kingdom of Alicesha!"

"Father! I need to go to Alicesha, I need to save mother!" Prince Zeln exclaimed.

The crowd began to panic, upon hearing the bad news. "No! I won't let you go to Alicesha, alone." The King told him.

The King has no choice but to end the gathering too early and unexpectedly.


As Alice sneaked out from the palace, Princess Shaotzie falls into a deep sleep.

Cartlon knocks at Alice's room but no one answered. He has no choice, but to kick the door forcibly.

At his surprise, he saw the younger Princess sleeping peacefully at the mattress.

"What are you doing here, swordsman?!" Princess Shaotzie spoke up.

"We have an emergency, your honor."

"What do you mean?"

Cartlon opened the window at the side table and he saw a ladder. Princess Alice must use the ladder to sneak out.

"Tell me, where is Princess Alice? Your honor, I'm begging you, where is Alice?"

Cartlon steps closer to the younger princess and begs. Shaotzie felt a pang of sudden guilt and pity for Cartlon.

"She went outside of the palace to inspect what's going on by herself."

Cartlon punched the air. He needs to find the Princess, by any means.

"What's going on, swordsman?!" She asked Cartlon.

"Zombie apocalypse! It's happening now, your honor." Cartlon told Shaotzie.

He immediately called Caliek together with the wardens.

"We need to find Alice!" Cartlon said, riding back to the horse.

"Let's go!" Caliek exclaimed and they went off to fetch the Princess.

While Cartlon and Caliek are looking for the Princess, Alice took Catthia with her.

"Heeeelp meee!" A boy, around seven years old called for help.

"Stay here, Catthia! I'll get the boy." Princess Alice runs to get the boy but a zombie is coming into their way.

"Shhh, stop crying, little boy. I'm here to save you." Alice carries him to run faster off from the zombie.

"My mother's necklace!" The young boy looked at the necklace left on the ground.

Alice halted, if she's going back to get it, a zombie will have a chance to bite her.

"Stay here with Catthia! I'll be going to get the necklace." Catthia tried to stop Alice but she was too irresistible.

Alice heard various voices from the people. They are calling for help, for a hero who will save them from the undead. But, in reality, there's no hero who can do it alone. They need to fight for themselves, for their family, and for their loved ones.

"Watch out, Aghory!" Catthia screamed.

A group of zombies attacks the Princess, fortunately, she brought the legendary phoenix sword of his late grandfather.

"Stay back, and guard the boy Catthia! Don't worry about me." Alice heaves the sword from its sheath and grip it.

With no hesitation, she swipes it and two heads dropped to the ground.

Alice steps back and thrusts the sword into the zombie's chest. She pulled out and blood popped out.

"At your back!"

Alice turned her gaze and she saw a large number of zombies searching for a victim. She can't kill them alone.

In a blink,  Cartlon and Caliek arrived. They recognize the Princess upon seeing the white horse, it was her and Cartlon knows it. 

"Princess Alice! We need to leave, now!" Cartlon shouted.

Alice runs rashly back to Ethos and bring the little boy. Catthia was in Caliek's back.

"Yah!" Princess Alice, Cartlon and Caliek leave the place and tried to reach the main entrance of the palace.

"Hold tightly, young boy!" Alice told him. "You can do it, Ethos!"

Alice is leading the way, and behind her was Caliek and Cartlon. As the horses make unnecessary noise, the more they attract the undead.

"Open the gate!" Alice ordered.

But it is impossible to get into the palace when the zombies are loitering at the main entrance.

Alice tugs the sword as she comes closer to the entrance. "Leave my kingdom, alone!"

She swipes the sword as she rides at Ethos until they successfully get into the palace and stop the zombies from gnawing them.