Chapter 10: Zombie Apocalypse (2)

The boy didn't stop talking along the way. They went to the forest, as it was the best way to avoid the zombies.

"Can you shut your mouth up?" Princess Shaotzie told him irritatedly.

"No! I won't, you know what, telling stories while walking– both boring or interesting, is the best thing you can do not to feel weary and exhausted. You must know about it, young lady." 

He stared at the princess, without recognizing who really she is.

Shaotzie rolled her eyes and whispered into Sahara's ears. "He's too arrogant! I'm so disappointed that we accepted his not–so–good offer!"

Sahara giggles upon hearing it. The poor young boy talks arrogantly with the princess.

"Tell him the truth, your ho–"

Shaotzie puts her finger into her lips and said, "Shh. I won't tell him about my real identity. Let's see what's his reaction once he found out that I'm a princess of Alicesha."

"What are you whispering about?" The boy exclaimed. He walks too fast while the two young ladies, talking and giggling behind him. 



The young boy panics and grips the weapon, preparing himself to attack. But, he heard Shaotzie and Sahara giggling to death.

"It's not a good joke!" He stood up firmly and continue walking, leaving the girls behind.

Shaotzie and Sahara halted from chuckling. The boy got mad because of her jokes.

"Hey! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Shaotzie runs as fast as she could to hold the boy's arm.

As he walks ahead of the girls, he saw zombies eating something at the alley. He watched them carefully and attentively, if where they're heading to.

"Slowly, your honor."

"Sahara!"  Shaotzie uttered.

She looks at her wound, and it's getting worse than earlier. She needs immediate medication.

"Hey! Come back!" Shaotzie called him but still, he didn't answer. He was busy watching the enemies.

"It's not my wound, your honor."

"Then what?!" 

Sahara touches her chest, she stumbled and fall into the grassy ground. "Sahara! Sahara!" Shaotzie tried to wake her up but Sahara collapsed.

"What happened to her?" The boy asked her.

"I don't know! She... She told me that her chest is aching and afterward, she passed out. What are we going to do?!"

The young boy check Sahara's pulse and said, "She's still alive. We need to reach the hideaway before it's too late."

He carries Sahara like she was a sack of rice. He glances at Shaotzie's afraid face and said, "Hold my hand tightly. We need to hurry up!"

Shaotzie nodded and holds his hand with no fear and doubt. However, zombies are everywhere, waiting for weak and frightened victims.

While walking fast, the princess left her right shoe. "Wait! My shoe!" She said.

Shaotzie runs back to get the shoe without the boy's approval. Until she saw a python, crawling towards her.

"Heeeeeeeeeelp!" The princess exclaimed and her voice echoed.

Too late to realize that zombies already heard her. "Walk slowly!" The boy said, watching the group of zombies searching where the voice came from.

Shaotzie can't move her feet, she was stuck looking at the snake. "I can... I can't do it!"

"Now!" But it's too late to run out from snake and from the zombies. The young boy has no choice but to put Sahara's at the ground.

He steps closer and cut the snake's head with no fear. The head rolled out and grab Shaotzie's arm.

"Stay back with your friend."

The boy grip the weapon and was ready to attack. Zombies walk faster than usual and attacks on the poor boy.

Without a warning, he swipes the blade and something fell on the ground. He turned his back and stab its chest forcibly.

Zombie's head dropped and its body to the surface. "At your back!" Shaotzie screamed at the boy.

With enough confidence and composure, the boy steps back and thrust the weapon. He kicks it to free the blade and blood scattered throughout the place.

"I won't forgive you, for killing my parents!" He screamed as he killed ten zombies, alone.

The boy carries back Sahara and they walked until they reach a small hut at the end of the forest.

The place turned dull, colorless, and humdrum. Bloodstained are everywhere, roads are quiet and silent. People hide nowhere to save themselves from the walking dead.

Shaotzie blotted the sweat at the forehead and sighed. "You're living here, alone?"

"Yes! Since today." The boy answered and put down Sahara.

"Oh!" Shaotzie looked around the house. It was made of bamboo and coconut lumber but, it looks beautiful and elegant inside.

Portraits are hung on the wall, and she noticed all windows are closed. "Why all the windows are closed?"

"It's our protection. Zombies can't harm us if they can't see and hear us."

Shaotzie seated beside of Sahara. She wipes the sweats at her forehead gently. "Do you have warm water and a piece of cloth?"


Shaotzie stared at Sahara's face. She seems familiar, she looks like someone but Shaotzie can't specify.

"Here." The young boy brought small-size basil with warm water and a cloth.

"Thank you!"

"There are blouses and trousers in the closet, you can use it if you needed to and you can change your friend's clothes too."

"Yeah. Thank you for helping us." Shaotzie said, rubbing Sahara's arm with the wet cloth.

"Stay here, I will go outside to get herbal medicine for her wound. Watch out the lamp, and the windows. I'll be back right away."

The boy turned back and grip the doorknob. "Wait!" Shaotzie grasp his arm and looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"Take care of yourself. I'm looking for your come back."

He shook his head and opened the door. But Shaotzie for the second time stops him.

"Am... I just want to know your name."

"Billy. I'm going now!"

Shaotzie sighed deeply and locked the door. She smiled sweetly and said, "Billy."

The Princess changed Sahara's clothes. She felt thirsty and hungry but Billy forgot to prepare foods for them.

She lies beside Sahara, feeling tired and worrying about Alice but she fell asleep.


The moon was bright as much as the sun. It helps Princess Alice and Cartlon to see what's ahead of them.

They walked into a quiet and fallen society, on a cold night.


Alice looked at him and replied, "Yes?"

"Let's rest for a while. See that small restaurant?" Cartlon was referring to a small food store in front of them.

Alice stared at it and shook her head. "We need to reach inside of it. Cartlon, watch at your right."

She was pointing the walking dead, strolling around the area.

"Watch out, might you step into something again." Carlton reminded her.

"Why? You are afraid of zombies?" Alice laughs at him like she used to be.

Cartlon stared at her and chuckles. "Let's go!" He said, grabbing Alice's arm.

For the second time of attempting to avoid the undead, Alice and Cartlon succeed. They get inside right away and sighed deeply in relief.

"You run faster than before, Alice." He told her, drinking some water.

Alice snatches it from him and drink. She was too thirsty and hungry running and avoiding the zombies.

"You know what, I'm too worried and nervous about Shaotzie. You can see, she's the only thing that I have now. She's the only person who I can lean on. She's the only person who motivates me to do more, to be a good and fair queen of my people. Cartlon, I can't let Shaotzie died because of zombies."

Out of nowhere, tears springing into the princess's eyes. She looked away and closed her eyes thinking and worrying Shaotzie.

Cartlon, as a loyal and faithful servant of Alice, rubs her back and said, "Don't worry Alice. We will find Shaotzie tonight and we will not stop until we see her."

"I can't forgive myself if the bad thing will happen to her. She's too young to experience this! She knows nothing about killing and protecting herself. She's still my younger sister."

"We need to rest Alice. Yes! Shaotzie is missing and we don't know where she is, but, it is harder to look for her if you won't eat and sleep. Here!"

Cartlon get a piece of bread from the storage bag and give it to Alice. At least, tonight, they won't be hungry and thirsty.

"You're right. But as soon as we finish eating, we will move on to our mission." She replied, gnawing the bread.

They eat the bread silently. They hear nothing but the horrible and outrageous voices of the undead.

"If only I found the cure before the outbreak, perhaps I already saved my people, my kingdom, and us." Alice turns her gaze at him and waited for his answer.

"It's not your fault. The most important thing right now, is we're safe and we're alive."

"Do you think there are still people who're alive and hiding in a safe and secure place?"

Cartlon shook his head and replied, "I think so. And I'm certain that there's someone helped Shaotzie."

Alice prayed silently for Shaotzie. She's hoping that somehow, somewhere, and someone helped her younger sister.

"Cartlon." Princess Alice uttered, looking straight at the plain door.


"Do you believe in God?"

Cartlon was taken aback. For his entire life, no one asks him that question. He's a swordsman and the only thing he believes in to is that sword is life.

"I... I don't know, Alice!"

He laughs bitterly and said, "How about you?"

"The aesthetics things in this world, the sun, the moon, the stars, nature, and even our lives. I do believe that HE created them, and us. I don't know, but I trust in HIM. Don't worry, I am respecting your beliefs as to respect mine." Alice replied.


"Please, heeeeeelp meeee!"

Alice and Cartlon hurriedly stood up upon hearing it. Someone needs help, and Alice can't sit back and let her die.

"We need to help her." She told him without uncertainty.


"We need to hurry, let's go Cartlon!"

Cartlon obeyed what the Princess ordered. She was too firm, bold, and authoritative, that no one can resist her charisma.

"Let's go!" Cartlon replied.